Racial Justice

We affirm God’s creation. All people bear God’s image and likeness with equal status.

We DEVELOP and PROVIDE resources, conduct workshops, and ongoing consultation for congregations to acquire knowledge and skills in intersectional racial justice advocacy. Christian activists are equipped to:

-Educate others to speak up when people are assaulted verbally and physically

-Advocate for and with historically oppressed and underrepresented communities

- Strategize and organize to eradicate hate speech and shut down white nationalism threats

- Engage in direct nonviolent social actions to correct and eliminate racist policies and behaviors

- Respond and assist families experiencing terrorism and militarized police violence

- Learn and teach from culture-centered biblical and theological resources

- Develop meaningful relationships across interfaith and ecumenical traditions

- Restructure capitalism and create more equitable systems of economic access and sustainability

- Resist patriarchy at all cost and create models of equitable leadership across all gender identities

- Eradicate constructed race categories within the Christian Church and society

- Dismantle economic systems of inequality

-Restore God’s human family—equally valuing all identities and people groups

Our intention is to disrupt and dismantle structures and systems that perpetuate racism. Racism has no place in our world. Racism must never be taught as a Biblical principle because God did not create superior people groups and cultures. Racism should never be tolerated in worship spaces, preached from pulpits, allowed in communities, or supported by local, state, and national government leaders.